My next model from this new Instagram initiative was Sergey. A wonderfully open-minded guy from the Ukraine living in New York. He had already shown interest in my work, so I tossed out the idea of a field trip to some desolate locations within his state that I had already scouted. With the industrial decline of the Midwest as motivation, I set my sights on Buffalo. It was a perfect setting.

Sergey was delightful to work with. A veritable bundle of energy always looking to engage in some way or another with whatever situation he was placed. No fears of the rust, dirt or cold, clearly an eager artisan willing to throw himself into his work. It was very refreshing… and exciting! Generating beautiful images that exceeded my expectations.
I have been at the mercy of my job for years. It has been a massive distraction from my photography. But I always had a goal in mind. Photography was my mental salvation from the rest of the world. Finally I’ve reached a point at which I have the means to reach those themes that motivate and this shoot proved transitional.

I am always happy when the model is as excited as I am in this production. Sergey noted that this was his first location shoot of this kind and that he found it thrilling. I guess that’s a compliment! Never the less, it was the beginning of bigger and better options. It is my departure point from the staid local shoots of the past. Admittedly, the start of grand ideas to come!