nude man looking out from beneath tree stump on beach

A Return to the Pacific Northwest

nude man with waterfall in background arm extended toward sunlight

I am thrilled to return from a trip to Portland with another gorgeous set of images featuring the terrifically talented model. Having worked several times with this guy, I feel we’ve reached a new pinnacle of visual excellence.

Choosing a location was difficult. The Portland area has such diversity. And they can be spread far apart.

nude man lounging on broken tree

So this was a trip that had to be planned decisively. We both had such narrow windows of opportunity.

Therefore, I had determined that the Coast was to be our focal point.

closeup of nude man sitting on log with waterfall in background

nude man amid ferns and pines

I needed a break from the social commentary of the urban abandonments, so nature is always my default. Placing a beautiful man in the beauty of nature always has a cleansing and calming effect.

Indeed, it is perfection as Mother Nature intended!

closeup of nude man laying on beach

=Once again, my model braved the extremes of these environs to create the amazing captures. From the chill of the mountain stream waters to the sand blowing in his eyes, he put on his best face, pulling through like a trooper!

nude man intertwined with huge driftwood at seashore

nude man gesturing toward the sky whilst standing on tree stump at beach

After years of working with models in all kinds of locations, I can’t stress the importance of a good model/photographer relationship. There has to exist the immediate recognition of capabilities and artistic outcomes or the results will suffer. Knowing my models dance background has let me pursue amazing options in which others would flounder. And perform them with grace!

nude man intertwined with huge driftwood at seashore



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