aerialist practices hanging from rope in empty factory

Cleveland Gymnastics


nude man standing beside girder in old factory

In the rush to catch up with my shoots, I completely lost track of this great session last year in Cleveland. My wonderful model, Zach, happened to be in town and we decided to try one more crack at the industrial blight around the city.

So the remains of the Westinghouse and Hulett factories became our go-to places.

diagonal shot of nude man hanging from chains in old building

nude man lays on concrete floor enjoying beams of sunlight

Zach and I have worked together multiple times and each shoot offers him a new opportunity to perform. It’s fun to watch him evaluate the scene and improvise an emotive action that leaves me speechless!

Hanging onto ropes, dangling from cranes and making ballet gestures 3 stories above the ground are just a small sampling.

nude man climbing yellow safety ladder in old factory

nude man rests on railing of old caboose

But Zach not only executes amazing athleticism – he is also aware of gesture. “What can I express with my pose”.

It is a quality that makes a person more than just a model – they’re an artist in their own right. And I am so fortunate in the past few years to be able to work with more artists like Zach, each bringing their own touches to these shoots.

nude man ascents staircase

nude man suspended from rope in old industrial building

People always ask if I ever have problems with intruders. On this particular shoot, we were interrupted by a Cleveland police officer.

We’re pretty sure he saw Zach naked on a ladder, but after I explained that we were taking pictures and not destroying things he wished us a good day, turned and walked away. No mention of the nudity!

I always find that telling the truth is better every time. If you act suspicious, they think you ARE suspicious!

nude man laying on metal stairs with light from above

nude man stands in sunlight from above in old factory

Having models like  Zach is an invaluable asset. I admire their willingness to enter these dangerous realms.

Making these photos involves much research and planning, trial and error. Everything about the shoot is spontaneous and constantly fluctuating.

They are taxing to both photographer AND model. But the payoff is so rewarding!

nude peers from behind broken window frame in dark old building

More of Zach’s talent is found @zealous.adventures on Instagram.



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