Detroit nude

man reposes on sofa

A Peerspace in Detroit

This past February I was in Detroit attending an exhibition. With a suggestion from my wonderful Canadian friend, I decided not to let the weather halt any photographic work and hesitantly tried PeerSpace. PeerSpace is a service similar to AirBnB that offers rentals for many events, including photo shoots. With that in mind, I tried […]

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Nude man gestures toward skylight in old factory

Bruno at the Factory

Bruno has tremendous fortitude. After spending one day exploring a couple of schools, the next was focused on slightly more open scenes including a church and an abandoned engine plant. Luckily the temperature was slightly warmer on day two, but the wind from Canada was intensifying. Bruno persevered with the dedication of a true artist.

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nude man writing on chalk board in old school

Bruno goes to school

As the photographic season slowly drew to a close, I became keenly aware of the increased difficulty shooting. The weather was getting more unpredictable and colder, of course. I was so happy to have collaborators like this months featured model, Bruno. I think his shoot was by far the most arduous. And the city of

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nude man looks over walled city in distance

Holiday Recap

The 2022 photography season truly began with Portugal. It was the first time that I felt comfortable enough to attempt a foreign country by myself. Armed with research done online, I had several destinations and a few contacts to assist with what became some of the best location work I’ve shot. This trip energized the

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